
  • De la modélisation des indicateurs pour l'apprentissage à la capitalisation par les utilisateurs Gril Albane, Renault Valérie, May Madeth, George Sébastien (2023), In Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH) HAL
  • (Poster) Conception d'un protocole de recueil de besoin sur les indicateurs d'apprentissage pour leur capitalisation. Gril (2022), In RJC EIAH HAL ·
  • Learning Indicator Capitalization: Protocol for Needs Gathering and User-Centered Design Gril Albane, Renault Valérie, May Madeth, George Sébastien (2022), In ICALT HAL ·
  • A Comparative Analysis of Approches to Design and Capitalize Data Indicators Gril Albane, May Madeth, Renault Valérie, George Sébastien (2022), In CELDA HAL ·

PhD Dissertation

  • Title: Capitalization of data indicators for human learning: model and study of user interactions
  • Key words: data indicator, capitalization, user interaction, learning analytics
  • Abstract: We are interested in data indicators for learning. They are used by different actors (learners, teachers, training managers, etc.) to analyze and improve learning. Their use reflects the wide diversity of existing pedagogical practices. We aim to meet the challenges of designing and adopting these data indicators by proposing a capitalization process. The aim of this process is to give all users control over the evolution and relevance of the available indicators.
    In examining current approaches to indicator design, we note that users are increasingly solicited, through needs gathering and validation consultations, but often remain passive. Indicator modeling choices also limit their evolution over time and through use. We hypothesize that these users are the driving force behind the capitalization of data indicators.
    An initial experimentation enabled us to observe how users perceive data indicators. It also enabled us to consider the part users could play in the capitalization process. These observations led us to identify interactions between users and indicators that could lead to capitalization.
    We then developed a model of capitalized indicators capable of being enriched by each of the interactions identified.
    These elements are implemented in a prototype, POPCORN, for data indicator capitalization. This instrumentation enables us to test our theoretical proposals with users, mainly teachers. Our analyses are extended to new experiments, always with the aim of making the user the orchestrator of capitalization. These experiments also enable us to validate our model of capitalized indicators as our major contribution to the capitalization process.
  • Link:
  • Defense: 30 november 2023, Le Mans University, LIUM - CREN
  • Funding: ANR project écri+

Research dissemination

  • 05/2023 – AI Day, Le Mans - France, Involvement in the organization of a public day on Artificial Intelligence and its challenges, opening the JSALT international workshop.
  • 05/2023 – Seminar of the écri+ project, Paris - France, Presenting my research work at a bi-annual multidisciplinary meeting of the ANR écri+ projet.
  • 06/2023 – Workshop facilitation, Nice - France, Creation and facilitation of workshops to raise awareness and gather needs around learning indicators in the ANR écri+ projet.
  • 05/2022 – DIDAPRO Conference, Le Mans - France, Participation in the organization and running of the conference
  • 2021, 2022 – Industri'elles and Declics, Le Mans - France, Participation in scientific dissemination to high school students